The Digital Index of Middle English Verse
IMEV 563
By a wood as I gone ride / Walking all my self alone
‘For þi Sunnes Amendes make’ — twelve 8-line stanzas with this refrain
Title(s): For thi Sunnes Amendes make
Subjects: sins, rememdies against; penitence; penance
Versification: — eight-line — ababbcbc

Manuscript Witnesses:
1.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Eng. poet. a.1 (SC 3938) [Vernon MS], ff. 411vb-412ra
First Lines:
Bi a wode as I gon ryde
Walkynge al mi self alone…
Last Lines:
…In heuene of þi sone to haue a siht
And heer in eorþe amendes make
Doyle, I. A., ed. The Vernon Manuscript. A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Eng. poet.a.1, with an introduction by A. I. Doyle. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987.
Scase, Wendy, and Nick Kennedy, eds. A facsimile edition of the Vernon manuscript: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. Poet. A. 1. Oxford: The Bodleian Library, 2011.
Furnivall, Frederick James, ed. The Minor Poems of the Vernon Manuscript, Part 2. EETS o.s. 117 (1901; repr. 1973): 727-30.
Brown, Carleton Fairchild, ed. Religious Lyrics of the XIV Century. Oxford: Clarendon, 1924. 2nd ed., rev.: G. V. Smithers, Oxford, 1952: 196-9.
2.Source: London, British Library Addit. 22283 [Simeon], f. 133rb-133rc
First Lines:
BI a wode as I gon ride
Walkynge al my self a lone…
Last Lines:
…In heuene of þi sone to haue a syht
And heer in eorþe amendes make
Digital Facsimile of British Library MS Add. 22283 (‘Simeon’). 2014;
3.Source: London, British Library Cotton Caligula A.II, f. 69
First Lines:
By a wylde wodes syde
As I walked my self a lone
A blysse of bryddes me bad a byde
ffor cause þere song mo þen sum…
Last Lines:
…In heuen a syȝth of ȝou to se
& her to a mendes make
Note: Written two lines of verse per line of the MS, with slashes to mark line breaks; ‘Amen’ by scribe at end of last line and ‘Explycyt’ by scribe in lower margin, partly cropped, f. 69.
Attributed Title: Make a mendes (by scribe in upper margin, f. 69); Another: Make amends (f. 1, sixteenth-century list of contents)
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, ed. A Selection from the Minor Poems of Don John Lydgate. Percy Society 2. London: T. Richard, 1840: 228-32.
4.Source: Princeton, Princeton University Library Garrett 143, ff. 49-51v
First Lines:
BE a wild wodis side
as I walked my selue alone
A blisse of briddis bad me abidde…
Last Lines:
…In heuen a siȝt of ȝou to se
And here to amendis makke
Attributed Title: Here begynne þe songe of amendis makking (f. 49)
Root, Robert Kilburn. “Poems from the Garrett MS.” Englische Studien 41 (1910): 360-79: 376-9.