The Digital Index of Middle English Verse
DIMEV 4621
IMEV 2920
NIMEV 2920
Saint Jerome says that signs fifteen
The Fifteen Signs of Doomsday in the ‘expanded’ Northern Homily Cycle — forty-seven couplets
Title(s): Northern Homily Cycle
Subjects: Doomsday, signs of
Versification: — two-line — aa

Manuscript Witnesses:
1.Source: London, British Library Cotton Tiberius E.VII, Part I, ff. 126ra-126va
First Lines:
Saint Ierom sais þat signes fiftene
sall before þe dai of dome be sene…
Last Lines:
…and [  ] a tale now will I tell
acor[    ]to þis same godspell
Note: Text in square brackets illegible due to fire; rubric roman numerals to left of each of the first lines for the fifteen signs.
Attributed Title: De xv signis ante diem iudicii (rubric, f. 126ra)
2.Source: London, British Library Harley 4196, ff. 4ra-4va
First Lines:
Saint Ierom sais þat signes fiftene
Sal bifore þe day of dome be sene…
Last Lines:
…And here a tale now wil I telle
Acordand to þis same godspelle
Attributed Title: De xv signis ante diem iudicii (rubric, f. 4ra)
Nevanlinna, Sara. The Northern Homily Cycle: The Expanded Version in MSS Harley 4196 and Cotton Tiberius E.vii. 3 vols. Memoires de la Societé Neophilologique de Helsinki. Helsinki. 38 (1972); 41 (1973); and 43 (1984): I.162-164.
3.Source: Edinburgh, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh MS Cursor Mundi, Northern Homily Cycle , ff. 19vb-20ra
First Lines:
Þan sal crist de[ ]all king ful wis
And ger þe sinful sare grise…
Last Lines:
…Of ataking þat I haf herd telle
Þat falles wel til our gosspelle
Attributed Title: Unde uersus de eiusdem signis (followed by Latin verses, then these verses, f. 19va) with accompanying Latin text
Thompson, Anne B., ed. The Northern Homily Cycle. Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University for TEAMS, 2008.